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Evidence of Time Travel FOUND - 3 papers

1 - Searching Ancient Texts for Evidence of Time Travellers

2 - Searching Ancient Texts for Evidence of Computer Technology

3 - Compact Disk documented in Ancient Texts is Identified


These studies generated enough comprehensive supportive evidence to demonstrate that

time travel back to the past has taken place;

certain ancient texts document specific modern events;

one particular human time traveller was identified by name;

certain early 1990s computer technology was seen by and documented by particular ancient people back in the past;

the 'artifact' known throughout history as a tablet, seer stone, wheel, (also vessel, plate) - and named as the Urim, Tablet of Destinies, Wheel of Destiny of Nations, and Book with Seven Seals - has been identified as a particular 1995 produced multimedia compact disk;

the contents from that cd-rom have been seen back in the past by the four biblical writers known as Moses, Ezekiel, Daniel, and John;

this specific compact disk was known to the Egyptian scribe Ani in circa 1240 BCE, and he depicted and reported it as the RA-Disk.

These disclosures will cause

All Abrahamic Religions to query and reassess their traditional understandings.

Atheists to question the validity of Religions remaining in our 21st century societies.

Three Case Studies

4 - Egyptian Papyrus of Ani Describes 1995 Computer Technology


This study generated comprehensive supportive evidence to demonstrate that

the first three columns of Plate I from the 1240 BCE Egyptian Papyrus of Ani is an account of an encounter with identifiable late 20th century computer technology;

certain depicted glyphs were individual representations of pieces of computer technology;

'sun-disc' glyph (N5, Gardiner) is a depiction of a compact disk;

two individual glyphs from columns 2 and 3 (unclassified by Gardiner) are depictions of a computer's Mouse and Cable;

from multiple sets of descriptive glyphs, a Mouse and Cable, and three Jewel Cases with their Black Base-plates were described;

two particular 1990s compact disks were identified as being present in 1240 BCE Egypt;

contents of two pictures from a 1995 cd-rom were compiled and drawn on Plate VII of the Papyrus of Ani;

two humans, a male and female, were present in Egypt in 1240 BCE and held in their hands specific pieces of the technology.

These disclosures will

alert the world's scholars to the likelihood that religious traditional interpretations and academic translations of other ancient stories into English may not be accurate nor reflect what actually occurred back in the past;

precipitate a change in scientific thinking and instigate a search for answers regarding the topic of Time Travel. How did the Egyptian scribe in 1240 BCE come to document the presence of late twentieth century computer technology ?

5 - GOD stories in Bible relate to Time Travel interactions


A - The new age theory that "the 'Wheels within Wheels' passage from chapter one of the Book of Ezekiel (Old Testament) was a UFO / Alien encounter" was invalidated.

B- This study generated irrefutable evidence that modern Bibles, and thus the traditional stories, have a different narration hidden beneath layers of mistranslation, misinterpretation, and thousands of years of religious rhetoric.

C - This study generated extensive comprehensive supportive evidence to demonstrate that Chapters One and Two of the Book of Genesis document and describe particular features and characteristics of pictures from two named modern cd-roms.


The 3,000 year old religious premise that "The God of the Bible, named YHWH, is a divine supernatural entity who created planet Earth in six days" has been falsified - and hence this religious theory is invalidated.

These disclosures will

directly affect all Religions, Denominations and Cults that have based their claim of divinity on the Abrahamic GOD of the Bible's Book of Genesis.

6 - The Jesus stories were not about a supernatural entity


This study generated and produced irrefutable comprehensive visual evidence that 367 out of 373 individual Life of Jesus descriptions match to images and pictures from a named 1995 cd-rom.


There never was a real human male named Jesus as religiously perceived.

The religious LAMB of God was not a supernatural deity, nor did he perform any miracles as traditionally believed.


The world's Christians now need to adjust their thinking as they no longer have a basis to claim divinity of their prophet named Jesus.

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