Ron Pegg Discoveries Pty Ltd

TIME TRAVEL Encounters  are
Documented in Ancient Texts

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Australian TIME TRAVEL Disclosures

In the late 20th century, Queensland researcher Ronald Pegg made the following discoveries which indicated that some form of Time Travel has taken place.  He found that:

Modern Computer Technology is described in over 30 Ancient Texts.

Specific Computer Parts are depicted in Egyptian Glyphs.

The Monitor was known as an Oracle, a Bowl of Water, a Looking Glass, or a Magic Mirror.

Associated historical Data Disks were seen and reported as Tablets, Plates, Seer Stones, or Magic Circles.

Sequences of pictures from the data disks have been documented and can also be found described in various traditional Dream & Vision stories.

Human Time Travellers turning up in a bright light and showing these things were perceived and reported as Angels, Elders, or wise Men.

Most of these encounters inadvertently spawned Religions.

In the early 21st century, South Australian researcher Eddy Pengelly was the first person to scrutinized these claims. He subsequently confirmed Pegg's findings and also made several new discoveries himself.

The Pegg Project® Works reveal what really happened throughout history, what went wrong, and how the mistakes can be corrected.

We are seeking Partners and Associates who wish to be involved in the dissemination of this new knowledge to the general public

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Ron Pegg Discoveries Pty Ltd is the Custodian of all the Intellectual Property and associated Works relating to The Pegg Project ® Discoveries, Research and Findings - and as such will grant licences for certain Rights to successful applicants.

Visits back to the past by Time Travellers are documented in ancient texts.

The Computer Technology taken with them is reported in ancient stories.

This video previews what has been found, what went wrong, and how it is to be fixed, and by whom.

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