Ron Pegg Discoveries Pty Ltd

Produce a Television Series

The Pegg Project® Disclosures

Proposed TV Series  from the contents of these Books

18 Topics from 12 Books

Ronald Pegg found the contents of a certain 1995 cd-rom documented and described in over 30 ancient texts and stories.
Eddy Pengelly scrutinized and has validated 18 of them.

Present to your audience (in a workshop style) what is seen on the computer's screen when descriptions from ancient texts are compared to the cd-rom's contents.

Three Parts with these Topics

Time Travel Encounters Throughout History

The Concealed Story in Ancient Texts

Proof of Time Travel in Ancient Texts

Akkadian Gods
Sumerian Gods
Egyptian Gods
Nebseni Papyrus
Papyrus of Ani
An Egyptian Papyrus
Ezekiel's Wheels Not a UFO
Sepher Yetzirah
The Story of Nicodemus
Joseph Smith Encounter
What the Bible Code 2 was Trying to Tell Drosnin

* Access to Ronald Pegg's The Apparatus of Nostradamus Identified Powerpoint Resource is also included.

Proof of Time Travel in the Bible

Genesis 1 & 2
Gospel of Mark

This production requires complete development

Excludes Computer Technology and Historical events described in those texts (as per the TV Special Reports).

Available Licence

Produce a Television Series
Exclusive Rights for The Pegg Project® Disclosures

18 Topics from 12 Books

To contact us
Email Robert via ceo(at)
giving the subject heading as
Licence for TV Series - Pegg Disclosures

Please note that a licence for the inclusion of The Pegg Project® registered trademark is separate and in addition to your Television licence.

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